Be Sure Your Fleet is in Top Working Order
Over the Road Trucking
The transportation industry is as competitive as ever and keeping your customer’s truck running efficiently is key to success. Trucking companies, both large and small, can’t afford for their assets to be constantly in a state of disrepair. Not only is their a considerable cost associated with shop time, but every minute that drivers and equipment are off the road costs money. Power Test Dynamometers offer a way around this problem. With our diverse engine, transmission, and chassis product lines, we can ensure that equipment is operating at peak efficiency before it ever leaves the shop. This drastically decreases breakdowns, rebuilds, and lost time, while maximizing the efficiency of the vehicle. Our dynamometers save money on multiple fronts, with demonstrable returns on initial investment. Contact a Power Test sales rep to learn how this equipment can translate to success in your business.
Transportation Services
Keeping a transit system bus on the road makes it productive and profitable. Better fuel mileage. Fewer breakdowns. Longer operating life. It’s also good for your shop. Keeping your customer happy and eliminating ‘comebacks’. Power Test chassis dynos prove the engine is running up to factory specs. AIDCO transmission test stands and Power Test engine dynos help you diagnose problems and document that everything is functioning properly for components removed from the vehicle. Uptime is the name of the game. Count on Power Test to help keep it running.