Industry: Power Generation

GenSet Testing

We offer GenSet testing solutions because keeping the lights on and the electricity flowing is not optional. In times of critical power failure, your power generation systems have to work. From mining to healthcare, construction sites to data centers, a stable source of electricity is mission critical. Gensets must work when they are called on for power. Power Test engine dynamometers will validate that your generator is up to spec when it’s new, remanufactured or just simply repaired. Additionally, our proprietary state of the art monitoring software makes sure that your GenSet operates at outputs that would far exceed a typical level of use. We test the output levels incrementally, ensure peace of mind each step of the way. The ability of our dynamometers to diagnose issues, result in the utmost level of confidence in your Gensets and load banks.

We believe in logical and efficient testing solutions that directly impact your business. At Power Test, We Make Your Testing Easy.

  • Water Brake

    W-ST Series

    The W-ST Series Water Brake Engine Dyno is built for testing diesel engines in on-highway, […]

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