The 500E test stand is designed to meet your needs for testing medium and heavy-duty transmissions and torque converters for off-highway and other commercial vehicles.
The 500E accommodates in-line or drop box model transmissions mounted in a direct remote or mid-ship configuration, with or without integrated torque converters. This compact unit is designed and built to our high standards to give you years of reliable performance verification and quality assurance testing of automatic and powershift transmissions.
- Predesigned to Accept Many Options – From basic to comprehensive, easily configurable to meet your exact testing needs
- Variable Speed, High-efficiency AC Motor – Quiet operation and precise power
- Various Drive Motor Options to Fit Your Needs – 100HP (75kW), 200HP (149kW), 300HP (224kW)
- Various Available Voltages to Match Local Services – 480 VAC or 380 VAC
- Drive Load Sensing – Allows reduction of drive motor torque to better simulate engine output
- (10) Ten – Pressure Taps – Monitor all relevant pressures
- Direct or Remote-Mount SAE Bell Housing – Can be adapted to accommodate all SAE sizes
- Modulator Control – Simulates “full” or “closed” throttle conditions
- Heat Exchange Cooler Kit – Water or air cooled w/optional flow capacities, and temperature measurement
- Remote Mounting Kit – Accommodates remote transmission testing
- Eddy Output Load Unit – Allows application of controlled output load to simulate real world operating conditions and to expose vibration, slippage and noise issues
- Work Table and Sump – 6,000 lb support capacity with integrated oil collection sump and reservoir
- Oil Reservoir Tank – 130 g (492 l) reservoir provides preheated, filtered oil, and clean oil storage
- Auxiliary Pump – 60 gpm (227 lpm) pump with variable flow for torque converter simulation, lube and expanded testing capabilities
- Fill/Drain/Kidney Kit – Allows oil drain and reuse, and continuous filtration
- Diagnostic Flow Loop Kits – Provide additional flow loops with optional capacities for all appropriate hydraulic circuits
- Low-flow Meter Kit – 2 gpm (7.6 lpm) or 5 gpm (19 lpm)
- Stand-Alone Oil Preheat and Supply Cart – Allows use of multiple oil types on test stand
- SAE Housing Adapter Rings – From SAE 00 to SAE 3
- Designed to accommodate remotely mounted transmissions using optional transmission mounting kits.
- An optional Eddy Load Unit may be connected to a transmissions output to apply a load.
- PowerNet Data Acquisition and Control System options are available for automated control and reporting.
- Modulate control simulates “full” or “closed” throttle conditions.
Testing Capabilities
- Heavy-duty, on-highway, inline transmissions
- Heavy-duty, off-highway, inline transmissions
- Heavy-duty, off-highway, dropbox transmissions
- Dana, Clarke, etc.
Parameters Measured
- Check and set shift points (automatic)
- Full and closed throttle up-shift and downshift test (loaded or unloaded)
- Downshift inhibitor test
- Measure output torque
- Locate shaft seal leaks
- Identify clutch leakage
- Check noise/vibration
- Detect mechanical binding
- Check main, clutch, lube and converter pressure
- Monitor converter flow and temperature