Power Test, LLC

Model 265

Valve Body and Governor Test Stand

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Because it can simulate actual operating conditions, the 265 Valve Body and Governor Test Stand performs with exceptional accuracy. A wide variety of operating conditions are created by combining electronic shift control components, shift selector and modulator controls, hydraulic oil pressure and motorized rotation for the governor. Using these controls, shift schedules can be customized to provide optimum transmission performance in every application.

As we continue to meet the needs of a changing market, the 265 can now be equipped with electronic controls to test valve bodies for Allison Generation 4 1000/2000 series and 3000/4000 series transmissions.

For testing mechanical valve bodies, the 265 reduces rebuilding labor time by helping you adjust shift points before you install a transmission valve body. Using the 265, you can make accurate adjustments of full throttle upshift schedules. Plus, you’ll examine full throttle downshifts, closed throttle upshift and downshift schedules.
With the ability to make precise adjustments of shift schedules for specific applications, you can assemble and calibrate valve bodies as you need them. Governors can be tested as well using an optional adapter block. This eliminates the need for maintaining large stocks of matching valve bodies and governors.

  • Hold regulator
  • Main pressures
  • Modulator
  • Temperatures
  • Governor (optional)
  • Modulated lockup
  • Forward, low, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth clutch pressures
  • 12 Month Warranty on Materials and Workmanship

Optional Features

Each Model 265 is custom built to your specifications. our in-house manufacturing allows for short lead times, allowing you to begin testing as soon as possible. Options range from additional gauges to built in electronic shifting capabilities.

  • Built-in Electronic Shifting
  • Solenoid Testing Panel
  • Sequencer Panel
  • Governor Testing

Adapter Plates and Accessories:

In valve body and governor testing equipment, nobody makes it easier for you to do it right. A wide selection of available adapter plate systems and accessories lets you customize the 265 to test most automatic transmission valve bodies found in on and off-highway equipment in use today.

Using the adapter plate system, valve body changeover is fast and simple. A precision ground steel plate locks in place to test most transmission valve bodies. Changeovers are accomplished easily inside the unit via a transparent top lid that locks open for access.

Product Specifications

6.9 gpm (26.1193 lpm) @ 600 psi
Convenient external range selector and hydraulic modulator control
Filtered and temperature controlled test oil
10-gallon (37.8541 l) oil reservoir with low oil cut-off switch and heating element
Seventeen industrial grade, panel mounted gauges for complete test monitoring
Governor simulator pressure regulator valve
Structural steel, free standing cabinet
Heavy duty, hinged, clear poly carbonate lid locks in upright position
Fast adapter model changeover offers precision repeatability
(2) Two – 3.94 in (100 mm) glycerin damped main and governor pressure gauges
(15) Fifteen – 2.3622 in (60 mm) pressure gauges for others – including clutch, modulated lock-up and hold regulator
Independent governor test capability (optional) with 1:1 and 1:31 drive rotation for easier rpm readings
Valve body and separator plate can be tested as one unit


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