Intern Headcount Survey

Intern Headcount Survey

This survey is intended to help determine intern headcount desires/necessities for 2020. Reach out to Matt Sukovich with any questions or comments
    Select the option that best describes your current desire for an intern's help in 2020.
    This will give us an idea of intern needs. Keep in mind that we have to be able to provide the quality experience we promise interns. If a department can only afford to do that for one intern, then one intern is the right amount to take on. Also, note that headcount must be discussed with Rick/Mary before we can commit to adding an intern to a department.
  • If you are unsure, please type "Unsure"
  • If you are unsure, please type "Unsure"
  • If you have any questions or additional comments, please leave them here or reach out to Matt Sukovich for a 1:1.